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Strawberry, Basil & Black Pepper Ice Cream


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  • Strawberry powder: 12.5g (freeze dried, no added sugar)
  • Fresh Basil: 15g
  • Black pepper
  • Green Food Colouring: 1tsp (optional)
  • Mascarpone: 230g
  • Eggs: 2
  • Icing Sugar: 60g


  1. Carefully separate the egg yolks using your hands or spoons. Put aside the egg whites for another recipe.
  2. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl, with an electric mixer, until thick and light in colour.
  3. Separate the basil leaves from their stems and put in a blender alongside a dollop of the mascarpone. Puree with a food blender.
  4. Add the basil puree and the remaining mascarpone to the whisked egg yolks. Grind in a large dose of black pepper.
  5. Mix in the strawberry powder enough that it won't spray everywhere, then whisk all the ingredients together.
  6. Decant into a freezer suitable dish and freeze for at least 6 hours.


I tend to double up this recipe to make enough for a few days.

You can use up the egg whites by making chocolate mousse.

I vibed the quantity of pepper. A few grinder twists wasn't enough so I added a healthy dose the second time. If I make this again I'll measure it in tsp. Consider using a fine spice mill or grinding with a mortar and pestal, because my supermarket grinder left large pieces.

There was only 1/4tsp of vanilla essence left the first time I made this. I think 1/2-1tsp would work best.

While the food colouring is optional the mixture is a concrete grey by default, so I'd recommend it! I've doubled the quantity of food colouring when writing this up because the mixture was still a bit grey, but YMMV.

Stephani tasting notes: Interesting and complex. Most liked so far. Strong basil flavour with moments of strawberry and black pepper.

Kit tasting notes: smells like pesto, tastes juicy and fruity with strawberry dominating the basil. Pepper a bit weak. Might improve after a few days in the freezer but I should consider soaking the pepper in the mascarpone for a day in the fridge before making ice cream. Consider adding a dash of lime juice to balance the strawberry sweetness, like this recipe does.

Recipe Source: Kit